Henry and Joey: Pet Pygmy GoatsHenry and Joey: Pet Pygmy Goats
Caring for pygmy goats - Henry and Joey: Pet Pygmy Goats
Pygmy goats require an area to live and play in, as well as somewhere to shelter at night. They also have certain habits and things they do/don't like (particularly when it comes to food!). Below is info on how Henry and Joey were looked after, but obviously different circumstances may require different methods of care. If in doubt about the health of your goat and/or any urgent issues, contact your local vet and/or your local government agricultural department (DEFRA in the UK).

General info & health

Pygmy goat paddocks

Below is a selection of photos of Henry and Joey's paddock (click them to enlarge and scroll through).
The paddock   Aerial view of paddock    Paddock in the snow    Henry on benches in the paddock

Pygmy goat accommodation

Below is a selection of photos of Henry and Joey's shed (click them to enlarge and scroll through).
 The shed     The shed    Entrance to the shed    Henry licking salt-lick in entrance to shed  Hayrack in the shed CCTV camera in the shed

Pygmy goat food

Pygmy goat habits

Pygmy goat body care

Pygmy goat-friendly toys

Fireworks advice

Hot weather advice

Cold weather advice